Jack Pine Special, Lucas Forge Knives, Custom Hunting Knives, Hunting Knives, Skinning Knife, Belt Knife, Custom Belt Knife

I’m excited to present this Jack Pine Special in the available lineup! It is a little different from the standard JPS, seeing as how it has a customized five-inch blade. More cutting edge! Jack’s sweeping design and easy-to-hold style makes it a favorite in this neck of the woods.

The beautiful handle is aged osage orange. The blade is O-1 high carbon tool steel with a 5/32-inch thickness and it also features thumb-jimping for added grip.

Overall – 10 inches, with a 5-inch blade!

Comes with a handcrafted leather belt sheath…made right here.

This one is SOLD – thank you! For more information about this knife, or ordering a custom Jack Pine Special, please contact lucas@customhuntingknives.org. And thank you so much for looking! Have an awesome day!