If you’ve been visiting the Lucas Forge website for any length of time, you’ve probably noticed the penny that makes an appearance in nearly every knife picture. Well, it hasn’t always been the same one… But this one has served as the resident Lucas Forge penny for a. long. time. – even surviving several adventurous “misplacements!” 🙂
Normally we always use the “tails,” or obverse, side that shows a shield, wreath, and the inscription “ONE CENT.” It’s a great reference tool for showing the relative size of a knife and its details.
Today, we thought we’d give you a little more of the interesting history of this classic penny. The first Indian Head pennies were produced in 1859 and designed by James B. Longacre.
Our penny is dated 1896, so it’s made of a combination of copper and tin.
The absence of a mint mark on the wreath side indicates that it was minted in Philadelphia. We can only imagine the stories it could tell. It’s amazing to be able to hold something that’s been through so much history in the palm of your hand!
We hope you’ve enjoyed meeting the Lucas Forge penny. It does it’s job very well! 🙂