Hello! There’s a new selection of available knives on the website today! Ironwood, ram’s horn, osage, curly maple…there’s lots of options to choose from. We hope you’ll enjoy seeing some additional photos below!
Spotlight: Stabilized Walnut Classic Hunter
Set: Curly Maple and Brass
This custom knife set consists of an Elk River Hunter and a ProSkinner sharing dark curly maple handles, brass hardware, aged blades, and Classic pattern filework along each spine.
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Please feel free to visit the Order a Knife page to see the Lucas Forge models in one place, or browse Past Work and More Past Work. Order two matching knives to create your own custom set!
Spotlight: Dark Ironwood Powder River
Spotlight: Green Micarta Kephart
Details: Red Handle Liners
These red liners add a subtle touch to a trio of walnut knife handles. Please feel free to check out other custom options that are available to order with your custom Lucas Forge knife by visiting this page.
Thank you for looking!
Set: RLP Packers
The Mini Jaguar: Stunning Ironwood
This impressive Mini Jaguar features a wild desert ironwood handle, aged blade finish, brass bolt hardware, Vine pattern filework, and custom initials! And to top it off, it rides in a Trekker sheath.
Check out more of the Mini Jaguar’s details here!
The Small Frontier: Walnut and Mosaics
This deluxe custom Small Frontier knife has a classy look with an aged blade, walnut handle, and mosaic pins. Check out more details about this design (and its brother designs, the Large Frontier, Frontier Skinner, and Trapper) by visiting the Frontier model page!
Have a great day out there!